The State of UX in 2020
We are on the cusp of 2020 and what an iconic year this will be! The awesome and amazing folks at UX Design have spent tons of hours curating and sharing 2,411 links with 358,917 designers around the globe, and have come to identify a few of the trends our industry has been chatting about.
This is their fifth consecutive year publishing a trends report. If you have read any of their previous editions, then you will understand this is not an article about UI trends, but rather a more holistic analysis of UX Design as a discipline. The article covers all of the tools, methods, collaborations, career challenges, and how our community can make an impact on the world around us — one that we, consciously or not, have helped to design.
Here’s what to expect for UX in 2020.
Read the article here: The State of UX in 2020